PT. CAHAYA CEMERLANG CHEMINDO is promising new established specialty Chemical Company focuses on drilling fluids, completion fluid and production chemicals for oilfield, water treatment, and geothermalchemical applications based in Indonesia. Established in 2019, the company puts emphasis on continuous perfection of its activities, trustworthiness, quality of supplied chemicals, and profession a service and intormation to customers
Manufacturing & Research Development
R&D & QA/QC Facility
Our experience develop in-house R&D that build foundation for us to keep pace with the fast-changing market trends oilfield Production and drilling technology
Manufacturing setup
The Company Blending Plant facilities include 2×4K Litres high capacity blender made from stainless stell for oil based and water based, one Blender Plant with heater for completion fluid with capacity 28K Litres
Our Production Chemical Products
This series of products is designed to meet the various needs of companies that use chemical products, drilling chemicals and cementing chemicals. Whether you are looking for an additive that will help your product perform better, or a sealer that is suitable for all types of equipment, we have something here for you.